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Booking Policy

Booking Policy/ Terms and Conditions/ Hiring Rules


The Centre is run by the Executive Committee of the Lytchett Minster & Upton Community Association, whose powers and composition are defined in the constitution, a copy of which may be consulted at the Community Centre. Under the provisions of the constitution, the Executive Committee is empowered to make rules, or to withdraw, or amend them.


Use of the Community Centre and its facilities is subject to the following rules and, in the case of hirers, to certain conditions incorporated in the hiring agreement.

The premises are currently licensed for Public Entertainment, including private bookings, under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 the terms, conditions and, restrictions of which licence are exhibited on the statutory notice board in the concourse. The attention of hirers is drawn to these terms, conditions and restrictions which must be observed, also, if food is being served hirers are reminded that the regulations under the Food Safety Act 1990 must be observed.


Parking is only permitted in the marked bays. Access to the front main doors must be maintained at all times for emergency vehicles.


The premises should be in good condition when you arrive. If anything is broken or not working please report it to the office.


The deposit will be refunded only once the key is returned and we have verified no damage has occurred during the period of hire. If the premise's, its fixtures or fittings, are damaged by you or your guests or visitors you may be held liable for the repair.


LUBCA hold Public Liability Insurance as required by law. But this does not cover hirers or their guests / visitors, you should consider carefully whether you should take out your own insurance cover and we recommend that you do so.


Please supply your own bin liners for rubbish as ALL rubbish should be taken off the premises by hirer and disposed of legally or be subject to a forfeit of part or all of the deposit.


In the event of fire the building should be evacuated immediately using all available exits and the Fire Brigade called. Please also inform the Chairman or Treasurer after evacuation and the fire brigade have been called.


In the event of a medical emergency call an ambulance. For non-emergency situations there is a First Aid box.  Please inform the office if this is used so it can be replenished.


It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure the hall is securely locked and return the key to the office during the office's opening hours and report any damage or faults that occurred during the period of hire.


I confirm I have read and accept these conditions.



signed .........................................

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